Privacy Policy

The Bridge Plus+ Register of Systems

Contexts in which personal data is processed

Our contact details

The Bridge Plus+


The Bridge Plus+ processes personal data of:

  • service users getting information, advice, advocacy support and/or other forms of assistance from The Bridge Plus+;
  • our employees,
  • our Directors/Trustees;
  • our volunteers;
  • people representing partner organisations, funders and other stakeholders relevant to our work.
  1. How we look after personal information at The Bridge Plus+
  2. Your privacy is very important to us at The Bridge Plus+
  • We will keep your information confidential and secure.
  • We will not share any of your information with anyone else or any other organisation unless you give us permission to do so, or it is to prevent someone from being at serious harm.
  • We record your information using cloud-based systems, secure casework systems and in paper files. All paper files are stored securely and are locked in metal filing cabinets at the end of each day. Electronic records are held in secure cloud storage and/or web-based case management software that comply with data protection laws. service user files are retained for no longer than 5 years after a service user’s last contact with the Bridge Plus+. Only authorized staff and volunteers have access to paper files and electronic records containing personal information.
  • We process anonymised data for project development, organisational learning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation, and submission of funding applications.

2. How will we use the information about you?

We may use your information to:

  • provide you with information, advice and support
  • process a donation that you have made
  • carry out our obligations arising from any agreement entered into by you and us
  • seek your views or comments on the support we provide and notify you of changes to our services and projects
  • send you communications which you have requested and which may be of interest to you. These may include information about events and fundraising initiatives, as well as promotion of our projects and activities
  • provide anonymised monitoring information to those who fund or commission our work to demonstrate the take up and effectiveness of services; with specific reporting by characteristics such as area, age, or background
  • process a grant or job application

3. Register of systems

See Appendix  A

Appendix A. Register of systems

Data collectedUsage and lawful basis for holding dataName of Data Processor
 Consent and legitimate interestDropbox for Business, Ireland
 Consent and legitimate interestMicrosoft Office Suite, USA
 Consent and legitimate interestAdvicePRO/ACM Solutions – cloud based customer relationship management system ‘CRM’  
 Consent and legitimate interestThe Bridge Plus+ Limited